NOTE: These backgrounds work best if you start with a white minima template.

1- Click "Customize" { top right corner }

2- Click "Add a Gadget"

3- Find "HTML/Java Script" and click the "+" sign

You are now in the Configure HTML/Java Script screen. You will see a large box. Now, copy and paste this entire HTML code into that area:

<style type="text/css">
body {background-image: url("direct link"); background-position: center; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-attachment: fixed; }

Choose a background, copy the link underneath it, and then paste it in between the parenthesis in place of where it says "direct link". Make sure you leave the parenthesis in place.

Hit save, and you’re all done! Enjoy your awesome new blog!



The Sutherland Family said...

Hi cute backgrounds! Where did you get your cute lds I belong blinkie button thing? I can't find that one anywhere and I really like it. Let me know!
Thanks- Ashley

Ariana said...

I love your new backgrounds! (I always do.) I have a request. Could you possibly make some music-themed backgrounds? I would really appreciate it if you could. :o)

Ariana said...

Thanks, that'd be great! In the meantime, I'll keep coming back to change up my backgrounds. I love all of your designs!